Ice Skating 2025
Where can I find the Cheapest Tickets ?
50% off all Ice Skating Tickets on opening weekend.
Cheapest tickets can always be found on Mondays to Thursdays.
Also look out for 50% off slots - these are often found at the beginning and end of each day.
Bigger Discounts and Offers Available for Priority Members.
Ticket Prices:
Adult (16+): £7.50 - £15.50
Child (11 - 16): £6.25 - £12.50
Child (3 - 11): £6.25 - £12.50
Wheelchair user: £9.50 (this price inclused one free carer to assist)
*Please note this is for manual wheelchairs only. Electric wheelchairs are not allowed on the ice.
Skate Aid: £5.50
*Skate Aid availability is limited and reserved only for ages 3-10. We recommend purchasing these at the time of booking. Availability will be visible after selecting your session time.
Group Booking Discount: 10% automatically applied to all orders of 15 or more people.
Ice Princess & Superhero Parties: These popular sessions will return on Sundays: 30th Nov, 7th, 14th, and 21st December at 10 am.
**Timing Guide**
Santa: Please leave 1 hour before your next attraction.
Ice Skating: Please leave 1 hour before your next attraction.
Light Trail: Please leave 1.5 hours before your next session.
UV Glow Crazy Golf: Please leave 1 hour before your next attraction.
*If booking Ice Skating remember you need to arrive 20 - 30 minutes before the session start time, so please allow for this when booking other attractions.
Ticket options
Offer!! - Up to 50% off Light Trail tickets
Where can I find the Cheapest Tickets ?
50% off all Ice Skating Tickets on opening weekend.
Cheapest tickets can always be found on Mondays to Thursdays.
Also look out for 50% off slots - these are often found at the beginning and end of each day.
Bigger Discounts and Offers Available for Priority Members.
Ticket Prices:
Adult (16+): £7.50 - £15.50
Child (11 - 16): £6.25 - £12.50
Child (3 - 11): £6.25 - £12.50
Wheelchair user: £9.50 (this price inclused one free carer to assist)
*Please note this is for manual wheelchairs only. Electric wheelchairs are not allowed on the ice.
Skate Aid: £5.50
*Skate Aid availability is limited and reserved only for ages 3-10. We recommend purchasing these at the time of booking. Availability will be visible after selecting your session time.
Group Booking Discount: 10% automatically applied to all orders of 15 or more people.
Ice Princess & Superhero Parties: These popular sessions will return on Sundays: 30th Nov, 7th, 14th, and 21st December at 10 am.
**Timing Guide**
Santa: Please leave 1 hour before your next attraction.
Ice Skating: Please leave 1 hour before your next attraction.
Light Trail: Please leave 1.5 hours before your next session.
UV Glow Crazy Golf: Please leave 1 hour before your next attraction.
*If booking Ice Skating remember you need to arrive 20 - 30 minutes before the session start time, so please allow for this when booking other attractions.